Diségno Vo. 15 - Unione italiana disegno
“A certain sacrifice”
Gardens Illustrated “Who’s Who” Profile
La bellezza non basta – Beauty is not enough
T18 - Chilean Architecture
Teresa Moller: Poet of Place
Reflections in the landscape
SGD Autumn Conference 2021
Landscape Magazine Middle East
Unveiling The Landscape
Landscape Architecture Magazine
Harvard Magazine
Casabella Magazine
Blanca Montaña: Arquitectura reciente en Chile
Arquitectura del Paisaje en Chile, hacia un quehacer contemporáneo
‘A’A’ Magazine
250 Things A Landscape Architect Should Know
Invierno: Imágenes de la Arquitectura Chilena Contemporánea
The Gardens Of Eden: New Residential Garden Concepts and Architecture for a Greener Planet
Landscape Design - Edition 30, 48, 49, 50