“Far South” is the name of the new SCIAME Global Spotlight conference series, organized by the Bernard & Anne Spitzer School of Architecture at the City College of New York, the conference series features leading architects from South America, who will discuss their job and the unique political and environmental challenges they face. Among other South American architects, Teresa Moller was invited to precede the second conference of the cycle, “WHY. Design Fundamentals in Nature”: “Moller’s approach to his work is very unique: careful observation and awareness of the landscape is key in the development of his successful socio-cultural projects. Essential within its philosophy is to make the natural environment accessible to people and in this way they can connect with and value the nature that surrounds them. Firmly believing in the power of simplicity, she considers what is on the site to be of paramount importance before beginning a design, starting with what exists before moving on to what is needed in order to bring the experience of nature closer. to the people.
The conference was presented on Monday, September 14, 2020 from 5:50 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. via zoom.
More information about the event at https://ssa.ccny.cuny.edu/events/fall-2020-sciame-series-teresa-moller/