
Arauco, Chile
180 ha. m2

The landsce design proposal for the Arauco Cellulose, MAPA Line 3 Project, is located in the Arauco commune in the Bío Bío Region. Originally contemplates an area of ​​approximately 110 ha, corresponding to the construction-free zones within the new factory expansion project. Along with this, around 73 additional hectares were added to the design proposal, in order to generate a connection and continuity between the old project (Line 2) and the one requested. Therefore, the landscaping proposal includes around 180 hectares of which 5 main areas to work were defined: Access; Queule protection, study and propagation zone; Industrial facade or truck area; Park; Indoor industry.
The landscaping proposal contemplates a common, enveloping and respectful image with its environment, which allows to enhance the sectors of greater natural value, as well as to improve those free construction spaces that will be left in deterioration as a result of construction work.
To give a common image throughout the factory, new areas of landscaping to be developed, together with the idea of ​​a common structure, which comes from the projection of the orthogonal lines that emerge from the transit roads of both the new and old factory. Thus, a plot is generated that allows both projects to be unified, as well as the differentiation of places within it.
This plot is configured as “voids” within the landscape proposal, which corresponds to sectors with the absence of shrub or tree vegetation, paths or corridors, which allow the views to be opened and to communicate between the different areas of the project.

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