Reflections in the landscape

24 de March de 2022

Editor: Arquine
Textos: Jimena Martignoni
Edición: Bilingüe
Año: 2021

Reflections in the landscape is the result of a close collaboration between Teresa Moller and Jimena Martignoni. This book is intended to be a kind of “legacy” based on the experiences and learning of Teresa Moller working in and with the landscape. It also explores and organizes themes such as Earth, Water, Trees, Fruits, Stone –as its fundamental components and raw material– and Paths, Signals, Essence and Silence –as possibilities and attributes that create a sublime landscape– and connects them with the projects of Teresa most significant of the last five to ten years. Finally, it concludes with a brief reflection on human nature: an invitation to understand ourselves as part of an infinite universe in a way as vital as, for example, earth and water. A right and an obligation that both believe that we all have to assume, today, to become aware and “be Nature”.


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