Casabella Magazine

17 de April de 2022


In number 823 of the Italian architecture magazine, an article is dedicated to “guided walks and nature as a representation”, where Punta Pite stands out as an exemplary project.

About this, the architect Massimo Ferrari points out:

“The strategy staged by Teresa Moller is simple and direct, sparse in its anachronism, complex in the nuances that are sought more and more in each advance; underlies a precise idea in architecture that translates in filigree the values ​​to be counted directly from the places described”. (free translation)

“The exemplary nature of the work makes the seascape visible with a pite tip, it transforms the essence into poetic existence with a few words; the lightness of the rocks supports the progress with his pose. Iconic signs follow the technique of the opera, ideal stairs, stone dykes, Flying Corners remind us of the reasons for the work of man against nature and are printed in the eyes as synthetic symbols of so many other movements: climbing, overcoming, flying. It is an invitation to walk.”

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