Between Hill and Sky. Public Competition for the design of an urban natural park in Cerro Calán

25 de May de 2023

Teresa was invited to participate as a jury in the new national public competition for the design of the “Cerro Calán Observatory Park”. Organized by the Municipality of Las Condes in collaboration with the University of Chile and the Cerros Isla Foundation, they invited professionals from different disciplines as a jury, with Teresa standing out in the area of ​​landscape architecture.

The project seeks to recover 45 hectares of the hill as a natural space immersed in the city, creating a park on a metropolitan scale open to the public that protects its natural ecosystems.

The contest will consist of three stages. The first stage, which will take place in October 2020, is free participation and project ideas will be presented.

For more information about the contest and the stages visit:

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